school board
Flagstaff Elementary School Posts Fliers For LGBT ‘Name Change Clinic’

March 31, 2024

By Elizabeth Troutman |

A Flagstaff elementary school posted fliers for an LGBT “name change clinic” at its elementary school.

DeMiguel Elementary School in the Flagstaff Unified School District advertised one•n•ten’s legal name change clinic, which offers to help minors change their legal name for their “transition,” the Daily Signal reported

“Are you a trans or gender nonconforming individual and need help legally changing your name?” the poster says. “We are collaborating with One-N-Ten and the Northern Arizona law firm of Aspey Watkins & Diesel, PLLC to host a hybrid (virtual & in-person) Name Change Clinic, with 1-1 legal consultation!”

LGBT youth organization one•n•ten provides LGBT programs to minors as young as 11 years old. One•n•ten “envisions a world where all LGBTQ youth and young adults are embraced for who they are, actively engaged in their communities, and empowered to lead.”

Programs at one•n•ten include “SexFYI!,” a monthly sexual health program for ages 14 – 17 and 18 – 24 “that is inclusive of their body, gender identity and sexual orientation, including fluidity therein.”

In a Feb. 26 meeting, the district also proposed “updating” the verbiage in official district policies from “boy/girl” to “people,” allowing students to attend sex education classes designed for the opposite sex, and updating curriculum to be more “inclusive” of gender-fluid ideology. 

School board president Christine Fredericks responded to parental complaints, saying “Bring it on.” She told parents she would “never apologize for being inclusive.” 

Peoria Unified School District Governing Board member Heather Rooks posted on X that Fredericks’ indifference about parental rights should inspire Arizonans to prevent her reelection. 

“Parents, it’s time to “Bring it on” in November,” she said. “Vote these people out!”

Elizabeth Troutman is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send her news tips using this link.

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